Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wire Name

I was so inspired by My Handmade Station to learn how to make wire name after she posted some beautiful 'Named' Bookmarks. Hop over there and see, she's really creative.....

After wasted don't know how many many strips of artistic wire, I finally came up with my name. Still a little 'cacat' though.

Really salute her for being able to carve the wire names freehand so nicely. I twist here there till almost cry and could only come up with this. Looks like I still have a long was to go................

Haven't decided what to do with this 'tag' yet!


  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  2. still nice..still readable.. :)

  3. wow...I am too in the wirename niche. I am doing wirename keychain....
